You Breathe What You Wear

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Vegan Clothing Store

Vegan Clothing sounds a bit of stretch to some, while actually this was the most natural one for me. Of course wool, silk, leather products etc. are completely non vegan and out of a Vegan’s life for good. But then I wondered if something could just purely be Vegan clothing. A quick search would find you many alternatives in natural fibres such as jute, cotton and in all man-made synthetic fibres such as rayon, nylon, polyester, microfiber etc. However, for a person like myself who likes more natural material kept searching for more. Especially for my Yoga Pants and sports wear, I wanted a better alternative. Cotton yoga pants have a good range available but to my mind it seemed cruel to the ecosystem.

To make a normal cotton yoga pant would require about half a kilo of cotton which would require gallons of water and several hectares of irrigated land. Organic cotton is much better as a source and more efficient choice for yoga pants for those looking for Vegan Clothing.

Also, came across a wide range of bamboo clothing, organic cotton, banana fabric, soya protein fabric and that was just amazing to come across. Pledging to Vegan is a compassionate way of life where one is more mindful and conscientious towards environment, fellow humans animals and life at large. The first look at these fabrics made so much sense as these required much less resources and were made out of recycling the waste from the plant. For example a bamboo tree does not require too much of effort to grow and not too much of land as well. Clothing made out of bamboo fibre has anti bacterial properties and refreshes itself pretty fast. Not to forget it is a great solution for someone looking for variety and range in Vegan Clothing.

Therefore, if you look for it, you’ll find Vegan Clothing pretty easy and at reasonable prices. I found so many more choices in Vegan clothing as I was looking for alternatives for natural fiber yoga pants.